2021年03月23日 08時24分

「教育のための国際交流協会」設立のお知らせ("Global Association For Educationalist" was established)

***See below for the English version***


■すべての こどもたちを ハッピーにする活動
■すべての こどもたちの みらいが よりよくなる活動
■こどもたちの 愛すべき かぞくのすべてが 安心できる活動

■いろいろな 芸術・文化・ことばを 知れる、体験できる、学んだことを使ってみるワークショップ・イベント・ショー
■いろいろな 芸術・文化・ことば・それらがうまれた国のことを知ってもらう広報活動)

団体名:教育のための国際交流協会 Global Association For Educationalist
設 立:2021年3月4日

教育のための国際交流協会 事務局


On March 4, 2021, a voluntary organization "Global Association For Education" (Naka-ku, Yokohama, Chairman: Mika Toyama) was established to promote international exchange for global education.

The Global Association For Education creates opportunities to experience "knowing," "trying," and "finding and creating something" about art, culture, and language in collaboration with local communities and private companies.

[What the association provides]
■ Activities to make all her children happy
■ Activities that make her Future of all her children better than her
■ Activities where all of the children's beloved girlfriends can feel at ease

[Specific activity content]
■ Workshops, events, and shows where you can learn, experience, and use what you have learned about various arts, cultures, and languages
■ Public relations activities to let people know various arts, cultures, words, and about the country where they were born
■ Workshop to improve skills that can be utilized for each dream and work

[Group overview]
Organization name: Global Association For Educationalist
Location: Naka-ku, Yokohama
Contact: office.gafe@gamail.com
URL: https://gafe-web.com/
Established: March 4, 2021